Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some Thoughts About Some Things to Come

It's not really organized in any particular fashion:

I am getting more excited about moving. I practiced some Slovak today.

I like the idea of taking only the essentials. When my friends computer broke, he lost all his music. I have had some of this music for far too long. I think it acts a good barometer. Even cutting down on clothes will be great.


I think a lot about my upcoming job. I want to be good at it. I need to put that into practice so I can reap the rewards.

I am excited about having found a way to separate work and trading hours. I know I will be busy at first but that will give me time to keep learning when I can, and build up some capital.

I will build up capital by being great at my job.

I need to be awesome at sales.

I am excited for 6 Euro liters of vodka.

I like the idea of improving my blog.

In my immediate future, I need to sleep.

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